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Hiding Joins Between Track Modules

Neil has started work on his HO railroad and posted his first question:

“I’ve built the first module on my planned 2ft x 12ft layout and have suddenly realized the problem of hiding the joins between each module. I hadn’t really given it much thought until now. I doubt I will need to move my layout much, but at some stage, I will most likely come up against the inevitable.

I’m interested in what others have done to disguise the joins between modules. Is it best to avoid a straight line join for separations between the modules… perhaps a bend, or jigsaw type join to make the lines between my modules less obvious? I know that would make the framework more complex, or should I just position scenery to disguise the joins? If so, any ideas? Also, any thoughts of correct procedure for accessories, track, signals and controls between modules? Much appreciate in advance.”

5 Responses to Hiding Joins Between Track Modules

  • J E Wilson says:

    On my joints between modules, since I do not expect to move them very often, I have put a thin layer of plaster and painted as the other earth. I moved it once after doing this just to see how it would work and it came apart very well and went together the same and another ‘thin’ layer of plaster and paint made it perfect. On my 2 lift out sections I used scenery to hode, as they get used many more times. Hope this helps. Happy modeling and running your railroad.

  • David Stokes says:

    Hiding joints between sections of a permanent layout is not a problem – just complete your landscaping ignoring the joints.

    However, if your layout is going to shows, or you move around a lot then hiding them takes thought. If the joins run square, and away from the viewer try making it look like a drainage ditch, a services trench, place a fence along it, make it one side of a road against the kerb or a work site with machinery to confuse the eye.

    If the joint runs parallel to the viewer it is easier, hide it behind a hedge, a bund, the front kerb of a road, a hedge row or shrubbery.

  • Morgan Bilbo says:

    I agree with J E WIlson. Simple scenery does the job. One thing I did when starting my 24′ shelf layout/which is 3 8′ sections. Was to be careful about where I laid turnouts, etc. So that at the joints, all that is there is straight track. Similar to what you see in Free-Mo. So that should I ever have to dismantle my layout, all I have to do is use a Dremel tool to cut rails and a putty knife to separate the boards. Boards are 2″ foam and held together with caulk. So, if I ever have to move, it won’t be a total disaster.

  • Dale Arends says:

    Expanding on David’s idea of a hedge, you can hide a joint by making a narrow row of shrubs along both sides of the joint bushy enough that when the sections are together it just looks like a regular row of bushes.

  • Timothy Morlok says:

    In a video I saw a modeler who used a wooden crosswalk that overhung the joint between modules where it was perpendicular under the tracks and then used shrubs and a wooden fence to hide the seam beyond the tracks. If you have a paved road that crosses the joint, just make it a crack or seam in the pavement.

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