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EMD GP40 Factory Settings

Ewan posted this:

“I got a EMD GP40 not brand new but looks hardly used. When I first ran it the engine worked ok, then I removed it from the track to do some minor track adjustments, and that’s when the problem started. It seems to respond to all the controls correctly, but when the power is connected the FT-A starts to move forward very quick. It responds to the emergency stop but not other commands. Is there a way to reset to factory settings, or do I buy a new decoder maybe? I don’t have a programming track to test it on.”

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One Response to EMD GP40 Factory Settings

  • Hervey says:

    Using the Ops mode programing (Programing on the main) reset CV8 to to a value of 8. You may have to hold the loco in place if the speed it is traveling at will result in a derailment. This will reset the decoder to its original (factory) settings.
    If this doesn’t do what you need look very closely at what you did with your “minor track adjustments”. I have never had a decoder just stop working. There is always a reason and the most common are sustained short or a surge beyond the recommended maximum voltage for the decoder. Both of these result in a toasted decoder and you will have to replace it. First though, find the cause so as to avoid frying the replacement.

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