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What are Droppers?

Following on from the question from Bryan, another Brian posted this question:

“I was just reading a persons question on your site.  He mentioned adding DROPPERS to help stop engines from stalling at a switch.  My questions are WHAT EXACTLY IS A DROPPER and HOW DO THEY FUNCTION?”

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3 Responses to What are Droppers?

  • Sep says:

    Usually it is simply an additional wire from track dropping below baseboard so that there is better conductivity from ’main wire’ going around the track area. I have seen recommendations for either every three feet or for every section of track (track joiners may fail with time…)

  • mike says:

    The answer lies in the fact there are mkre than 1 English language. UK, US, Australia, Canada to name a few. A dropper is inbthe US a “feeder” a thin wire connecting the trsck with the buss. A dropper then is lrobably a UK term.

  • David Stokes says:

    In model railway terms a dropper is a short, light gauge insulated wire soldered to each of the running rails of a layout. The droppers are then attached, either by mechanical means or solder, to a pair of wires that carry the electricity from the power source to the track. The advantage of using short droppers is that they can be worked on at your bench rather than from under the layout

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