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DCC Steam Engine on Curved Track

Bill writes:

“I enjoyed Allan’s article on actual dimensions of curved track. I have a figure 8 raised track that my 4 axle locos will navigate, but not my 6 axel. I want to add a DCC steam engine with smoke and synchronized chuff, but do not want to have another unit that costs several hundred dollars that cannot run the track. Does anyone have suggestions?”

3 Responses to DCC Steam Engine on Curved Track

  • Dale says:

    You don’t say what scale you model in, what the curve radius is nor what steam loco you are interested in adding. But from what you did say I would guess that the curves are rather tight. If your 4-axel locos are okay on it I would think that a smaller steam loco would be suitable, something along the lines of a 0-4-0 or 2-4-0 or possibly a 4-4-0. A small Shay would likely be fine, also. Getting into a loco with 6 drivers might be a problem. Regardless of which you look at, be sure to read the specifications to ensure it is suitable for the curves on your layout.

  • Hardie Johnson says:

    Longer locomotives will require larger radius turns, possible 24″ to 36″ You really can consult the manufacturer to find out what works for the loco you want.

  • Frank B says:

    The manufacturer’s specifications (usually on their website) will tell you the minimum radius track that a particular locomotive will run on, so check this before you buy.

    Shays and other logging locos are designed to run on tight curves, so that may be the way to go, or a small shunter (US: switcher).

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