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Amtrak Genesis P42

Newbie to the hobby Peter has started with HO scale and asks:

“I just got an Amtrak Genesis P42 loco. I run it on address 03 all good. The loco address on the engine is 77. My question is, do I program it with address 2? Or, should I set it as 0077 using the? Kindly a newbie. Thanks.”

4 Responses to Amtrak Genesis P42

  • Dale says:

    On my system, I set each loco’s address to the road number (using 4 digit addressing on the DCC system) so I always knew the address simply by looking at the loco.

  • Geoff says:

    You should program your loco with a “long address” – usually a 4 digit address. I am using three digits as that is the most that the available RTR models for my narrow gauge use.

    Using 0077 would work for you, you’ll need to remember of course that you have added two zeros in front of the number on the loco itself. But before doing that consider what other locos you might buy, and what their number is, so you can be consistent with the number of digits you use. Four will always be ok though.

  • Peter T says:

    Thanks for the response

    • ROBERT SCHWORM says:

      Indeed, use 4 digit numbering and follow the road number on the loco. Then simply look at the loco and select it and run it. Less brain power to keep track of things.

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