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Second-Hand Trains

Cliff asks:

“Hey guys I just got 14 HO boxcars at a deceased estate sale for $90. They seem to be in good condition and most have knuckle couplers. I thought it was a good deal. How much do second-hand engines go for?”

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7 Responses to Second-Hand Trains

  • Hervey says:

    Impossible to say the sale price based on what you have given as info. Price will be determined by age, make, condition, whether they are DCC equipped or compatible and how rare they are. Also are they plastic or brass? Find similar locomotives on eBay and follow them to see what price they sell for. That will give you an idea as to their worth.

  • Geoff says:

    It’s hard to generalize, because it depends so much on the condition and where you buy it and who from – ie private sale or a dealer. About 10 years ago, I got a secondhand On30 baldwin at a trainshow from a fellow modeller for $40. I was really pleased with that! He was happy to sell it but it ran really well. Needed some cleaning. I sold it 2 years ago for $25. An online store I got to sells second hand steam locos ranging from about $35 for an 0-4-0 “glue mark in cab – missing chimney – chipped paintwork – replacement box” to $250 for a 2-6-0 ” Minor chips to front buffer beam – missing smoke box door handle – Very good box. DCC Ready. (ie wired for DCC but no decoder fitted)”.

    14 boxcars for $90 seems like a really good deal. Sometimes at estate sales they just want to get rid of the stuff. I felt that way a few years back when we were dealing with all the stuff in my mum’s house (none of it trains!) after she passed. Didn’t care too much if it was really valuable, more that it went to someone who would appreciate it. And there was a joke going round at the beginning of the pandemic – “Stay safe everyone. If you die, your wife might sell your trains for what you told her you paid for them!”.

  • phil+johnson says:

    Depends on model, scale, age and most importantly desire. If in HO obtain a Walther’s catalog. That will at least give you a baseline, hopefully. Needless to to say buyer beware. Tke problem with used is what is tis condition and are there missing/broken parts. Can you test run it?.

  • David Stokes says:

    Let’s assume H0 and under 30 years old, and nothing special, I’d say you did well. When buying bulk lots second hand always assess your needs. If all suit, great, but if you are only needing half, it’s haggle time. A good condition Aussie bogie van will sell for about $20, but an old Triang “Railways of Australia” car is only worth about $5 to $10.

  • mel sloan says:

    If you were happy with the deal, nothing else matters.

  • Jim Myrhum says:

    Seems most did not read the inquiry rightly. Used engines can range quite a bit, from $35 to $200, depending on what you are getting and from whom. I have gone to train shows and picked up DC engines for low as $30, and I work with a couple of dealers who are quite friendly and work with me. Both dealers are reputable, so I do not worry. One usually sells Athearn Blue Box stuff for $40 a pop. DCC usually start at around $100. And all these prices really depend on age and condition.
    Hope this gives you a better idea of what is out there. Some dealers may also have a back room where all the junk is stored and for sale – CHEAP Find yourself a good dealer to work with and the better ones will really help you find what you want.

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