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Polar Express Train Problem

Mitchell asked:

“I know I’m a bit late asking, but I dug out our Lionel Polar Express for my grandson’s Christmas Day. Unfortunately, there was a problem so we just set up the display instead. The engine wouldn’t move, the transformer worked, and the cars lit up. I would like to have it operating for next Christmas if someone can suggest a solution?”

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3 Responses to Polar Express Train Problem

  • Frank B says:

    Without further details, it is impossible to diagnose. Are the track and wheels clean ? Is there a loose wire inside ? Is there dirt or corrosion between the contacts on the axle/wheels and the motor wires ?
    Any local model railroad club will be likely to help.

  • DAVID ZUCAL says:

    The section of track the engine was sitting on may have been dead. Move the engine onto a section of track where your passenger cars were lit and try again.


    I would suggest taking the transformer and the locomotive AND tender to a Model Railroad Hobby Show that may have an O-Gauge layout on display or TEST track to see if the locomotive and tender work. You stated the the passenger cars light up which would indicate the current was getting to the track. If the locomotive is DCC bring along the other pieces of equipment needed to test.

    Sometimes the Polar Express Set has instructions and a Trouble Shooting section.

    Of course, once at the hobby show check out a few additional pieces of track and turnouts so the Christmas display could add some additional entertainment

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