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Kato Engine Speeds

Othmar asks:

I run five kato engines on a 25 car consists. It is impossible to match the five Kato engine regarding speed ie each engine runs different speed and causes them to uncouple very annoying. Does anybody has a suggestion how to resolve this?

2 Responses to Kato Engine Speeds

  • Dale says:

    If you’re running on DC, it is difficult to speed match locos that are drastically different. If the locos are DCC it becomes much easier. Most DCC systems have methods for setting appropriate CV values to build speed-matched consists. If you are using DCC, I would refer you to the user manual.

  • Pat says:

    I agree with Dale on speed matching. What kind of couplers are you using? I find that some couplers have this bouncing effect; some more than others. This might be causing you some uncoupling issues especially around curves. One option is to put a small amount of grease into the coupler boxes to prevent the bouncing or jerking effect.

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