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LED Light Circuit

Bob writes:

“I am retired and come into OO model railways late , learning as I go . I saw a post showing how to wire LED’s on a 3v system doing away with need for resisters etc . All went well and has been working great, until now. One circuit with street lighting on has gone out apart from 1st light on circuit. I thought maybe the second light had blown, but tested it with battery and its fine ,I have also checked the feed to 2nd light but my tester shows power there. Is there a simple way to test circuit without disconnecting every light and starting again. Any tips would be welcome”

Add your thought below if you can advise Bob.

2 Responses to LED Light Circuit

  • Stewart says:

    Hi Bob
    How did you wire the leds, in Parallel or series, it make a difference as to how they work.

  • Frank B says:

    If your system is 3V, the LEDs are all wired in parallel. The symptoms you describe suggest that the 2nd LED has either become disconnected from one of its feed wires, or failed. (Disconnected is most likely, so apply 3V to the ends of the LED itself to test it.) 
     Possibly the wire on one side of the circuit has an intermittent fault, test for this by wiggling various bits to see if it makes a difference.

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