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HO Kato 37-6110 GE P42 Amtrak V Genesis Problem

David is having problems with his Kato locomotive. He writes:

“The wheels are trying to run on my Kato 37-6110 GE P42 but it will not run. Had it about a year (it ran fine). Steadily it did not run as it did before. I understand the trucks have both motors in them. Not inside the engine. Does this cause problems while in use? My layout has a grade of 2″ drop and travels 8′. The train does pickup some speed going down the grade. Is this the cause of the problem. Can it be fixed? How can I do that? Thank You for your HELP.”

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3 Responses to HO Kato 37-6110 GE P42 Amtrak V Genesis Problem

  • Robert says:

    Have you had the body off it? My research shows a central motor.You might have slipping gears. Tip it upside down and aply power to the pickups. Put a little pressure on each of the driving wheels in turn to stop it moving and see if the other wheels turn. If they do then your problem is a slipping gear. Careful not to burn out the moptor.

    • Jerry Roll says:

      Take the axels out of the trucks and using a magnifying glass inspect the drive gears on the axel if there is a visible Crack from the outside to the inside of the housing for the great it is bad and slipping. MAKE SURE YOU CHECK ALL OF THE AXELS. Since you have it opened up clean the old grease with alcohol. And all new grease. This should be done at least yearly.

  • The N-Scale Nerd says:

    When did you clean it last? I mean strip it down and clean any dust or fluff or other goop?

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