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Problem With Kadee Couplers Uncoupling

Shawn asks:

“I use both the regular Kadee couplers and the magnetic type. Problem is; with cars uncoupling during operations. My layout is flat so there are any grade issues. I thought it might be because the couplers weren’t all at the same height, but they seem to be. Help if you can please.”

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5 Responses to Problem With Kadee Couplers Uncoupling

  • Ernest Lafleur says:

    I have that problem also, the problem is that the couplers have fredom of movement in the gear box, that causes the couplers to uncoupel. i put a thin shim in the opening of the gear box, under en above the coupler bar, and that helps quit a bit. It stops the cooupler from moving up en down. But dont make them to thick, the couupler must be abel to move freely left en richt,

  • Dale says:

    Does this happen only on straight track or only on curves or both? Are you sure the track is flat with no humps or kinks? Is it when the loco is pulling or when it is pushing? Body mounted couplers don’t always do well on sharp curves if the couplers are not under tension, like if the loco stutters, since the angles might cause the couplers to misalign enough to uncouple. Cars with body mounted couplers connected to cars with truck mounted couplers can also have problems.

  • William Anderson says:

    From my experience I suspect your problem is most likely from drooping couplers, excess width in the coupler boxes, allowing excess vertical movement in the coupler head.. Some people place a shim under the suspect coupler to correct this. My preference is to replace the box or otherwise shave it or the bottom cover to acheive a proper fit. After completing this work, the coupler height should be rechecked.

  • Joe Graffi says:

    I have only had this issue when a slow moving train crosses a ‘permeant magnet’ uncoupler. there is one place on the layout, approaching a turnout from an industrial loop to the main line entering a grade.
    Even being keenly aware of the issue, I still occasionally ‘loose’ some of the consist.

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