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Difficulties Coupling and Uncoupling Smaller Scale Model Trains
Tony asks:
“I have never had a go with N scale, but have done HO operations. I raise this because I’m about to go with either HO or N scale for my new layout. Yard operations is what I like doing best so I assume with N scale I can probably do more in a smaller space. My reservation is uncoupling and coupling rolling stock and whether N scale is as easy as HO, or will I encounter more problems. I just thought someone might enlighten me. Thanks in advance.”
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3 Responses to Difficulties Coupling and Uncoupling Smaller Scale Model Trains
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New N scale trains have micro trains magnetic couplers, so you can use Kadee magnetic uncoupler magnets for your yard work. Ron’s trains and things on YouTube shows how he does it. Hope this helps.
Hi from Australia, Tony
I have had N scale in the past and while it makes the best of the space you have, I changed to HO (Marklin digital) for a better experience with shunting, uncoupling and generally operating trains (the eyes aren’t getting any younger either!)
I dont know whether magnetic couplers are an improvement on what was around 10 or more years ago
Tony, after your enquiry I searched the web and found an article in trains.com/beginers on coupling & uncoupling in N scale, and mentions that someone has changed Z scale couplers on N scale cars cause they look more prototypical in N.
Either suggest using micro-trains or similars.
I’ve thought of going in for N track, Z couplers, though aiming for 1:100 meter gauge we’ve got in