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Steel Track And Nickel Silver Track Mixed Together?

Beverly has an HO layout and has a question for others in the hobby:

“I am wondering if steel track and nickel silver track can be mixed on my HO layout.”

If you would like to give Beverly some track advice, use the green COMMENTS & FEEDBACK link below and add your thoughts to this posting.

Please note: Although I know many of the answers to the posted questions, I only submit the questions for others to answer. That way every reader can get involved and contribute to this model train blog rather than me doing all the work. I run this blog is a free service, so I would appreciate it if those of you who have some experience in the hobby would please participate and share your ideas and thoughts with others.

For those submitting model train questions, please use the search box on this blog as many of the same questions have already been asked by others. You may find the answer without having to ask. Also, read my Model Train Help ebook as it includes lots of answers to questions that are asked in this blog, along with useful tips and clever ideas for building a model train layout you can be proud of.

Happy Railroading!

2 Responses to Steel Track And Nickel Silver Track Mixed Together?

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Beverly, Good to see you ladies working on the RR. I would not mix the 2, but if they line up perfectly hight and width you should be ok. You will have enough problems keeping the nickel silver track clean and if you have steel track you have more rust and corrosion and possible added oxidation problems at the joints between the 2 metals.
    If you can, spend the money now and go to all nickel silver and toss the steel. You will be happy later that you did with out the added problems. I remember the old steel track and I use to clean it with steel wool (I know that is a no no) but what does a kid know, but now some what older and wiser it is just more enjoyable with the nickel silver. Less problems and more time to play, yes I said play. This is suppose to be fun. Tony P

  • louj says:

    Hi beverly, Like Tony said.It’s good to see ladies intrested in railroading. From past layouts I’ve had.They are all not maitance free. The nickel track is your best bet.I just use cotton rounds you find in makeup ile.They are great to wipe the tracks with.Ever now and then I use a household cleaner.Then after that ,I just use cotton round to clean tracks. The other track can be used for switch track or displays.The track i use is Powr-Loc track nickel type.Have a great time with your railroad. Be sure you clean track for best contact. I wipe mine about every 3 days.

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