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Train Layout Platform

Jim wants to hear from anyone who has experience covering a plywood platform:

“I am just starting to set up a new train platform for my American Flyer trains. Can someone with some experience tell me the best material to use as a covering for my plywood platform? I previously used the green grassy paper which looked okay, but continued to shed the grass for many months and I don’t want to have that mess again. I don’t want to paint it either, because I have no idea where roads, trees etc will be until I rearrange the track over several weeks or even months. Help please?”

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One Response to Train Layout Platform

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Jim, I did the same years ago and never will again. If you are going to model right on the plywood (or you could use styro insulation 1″ thick or thicker glued to the plywood) I like to use cork road bed for the track. This way you can ballast the track any way you want to and use the grass in a jar and glue it to the areas you want or any other landscaping materialsyou want later on. If you decide to use the styro, later on you can cut sections out of this to make ponds and lakes and rivers, valleys etc. as you desire. So start with a clean slate and save your final covering of the platform until you know where all of you streets and trees and mountains are going to go, maybe by the time you are finished you will have no empty spaces to fill in. And if you do have empty spaces they will be easily filled in at that time with some new ideas as you go. Tony P.

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