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Building a Mountain for Your Layout

model railway tunnelThere are various ways to construct scenery. This method for making mountains has been sent in by Harold who has been following this blog since 2005, and who has been involved in the hobby for 35 years:

Model railroads are deemed incomplete without background scenery. Build landscapes at home to reduce costs. A simple mountain with a tunnel can be built by following the steps below.

  1. Decide the location of the mountain and take measurements of the area.
  2. Take newspaper strips and dip them in water.
  3. Immerse the strips in plaster.
  4. Bend chicken wire into the shape of a tunnel.
  5. Wrap up the wire in plastic.
  6. Cover the wire with the plastered strips.
  7. Use molding plaster around the wire and shape the entire structure into a mountain.
  8. Paint the mountain when the model is completely dry.

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One Response to Building a Mountain for Your Layout

  • Frank White says:

    I like using cardboard strips in a webbing attached to wood supports. It avoids the cuts and scratches from the wire screening. The webbing can be built with staples or hot glue to hold it together. Paper towels dipped in plaster are laid over the webbing. Build up the mountain the way you like, let it dry and paint it. Frank

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