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Poll Results: Do You Repair Your Own Model Train Stuff?

384 model railroaders responded to our last poll which asked:

Do You Repair Your Own Model Train Stuff?

Results were as follows:

– In addition to doing ALL minor repairs including dismantling and cleaning motors etc. I ALSO install and replace decoders, program decoder functions (29%)

– As well as ALL minor repairs I dismantle and clean motors, replace motors, and clean gears (22%)

– I do minor repairs, AS WELL AS some repairs such as removing train body, replacing bulbs, resoldering loose wires (22%)

– I do some minor repairs eg. tightening screws, clean wheels, touch up paint, traction tires, replace couplers, sliders or pantos (15%)

– I don’t do my own repairs (8%)

– I also do repairs for others (4%)

2 Responses to Poll Results: Do You Repair Your Own Model Train Stuff?

  • Jay says:

    I have been repairing trains since I was around 10 yrs old. I had some Lionel, and Marx HO. I remember being so frustrated with my Marx 0-40 steamer that I smashed it with a baseball bat. I learned thought trial and error, and my dad, who was a good mechanic, to fix things. My experience with model trains was instrumental in my career in electronics. I became a Development Engineer Sr, at a research center. In my hobbyt, spend much time re-motoring, re-gearing, adding decoders and sound, and have built many kits, including a G-Scale live steamer. I also build some of my own operating accessories.

  • KEN says:

    I live in Sth London and experiencing problems with my lay out electrics, the project originally was threeway I friend completing to preparation of the train room[carpentry] second doing the track building and scenery, the third the electrics.
    The person who did the electrics is now working abroad ande Iam left with an electrical problem I cannot fix. and therefore cannot use the lay out.

    Finding suitable persons in the area is hard and I was hoping that you if possible could advise me accordingley to find someone

    many thanks in advance


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