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Train Runs Then Stops

Jim asks readers for advice:

“I run DCC on my layout. The ho scale train will run then it will stop then power back up… then run… then it will stop… and power up. What is the problem thanks?”

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10 Responses to Train Runs Then Stops

  • steve says:

    you have dirty track.or wheels,or bad power pickup on your wheel pickups. found it to be the problum on my own stuff some times.

  • Lou Spencer says:

    It’s gotta be dirty track or poor electrical connections. I suggest a Brite Boy to clean the track and then soldering all rail connectors.

  • Derek says:

    I have had similar problems and while the above answers are usually right, I have a two other reasons.
    I/ the Kadee coupler was catching on sleeper in certain spots.
    1/ the wires from the loco to tender (on steam of course) were too stiff and hanging low, also just catching in places. Times only for a moment, others hung up.

    Cheers Derek.

  • Bob Miller says:

    The most common problem is dirty track followed by dirty wheels, especially if your cars have plastic wheel sets.

  • Jim Schaaf says:

    This will also happen if you are using a tethered or RF throttle, and have accidentally left one of the control panel throttles on the same code.

  • Jim Schaaf says:

    Similar situation will ocur if you are using a tethered or RF throttle and have accidentally left one of the control panel throttles on the same code.

  • Rich says:

    Clean your engine wheels and track.I use electronic cleanet,and use a acid brush on the wheels,also remove the shell,and spray the engine and shafts. And lubricate. Sometimes this is all thats required. Good luck, I hope this helps.

  • Nelson T Stahl says:

    While dirty track is probable, it could also be a decoder or power supply problem. I would try reprogramming. If other locos work well then you have a bad decoder.

  • Gerald Hyink says:

    I had the same problem on a HO switcher that I put a N scale decoder in. It kept tripping the decoders circuit breaker. I replaced it with the same make and model decoder and it works fine now. Apparently some breakers are weak.

  • Jim says:

    Just like my counterparts, I agree that the continuity is in question. Check the track joints, clean the wheels and clean the track. That should clear up the problem or narrow it down some. Doc

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