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O Gauge, Layouts and Locomotives – Your Thoughts

Here is an interesting question from a model railroader about O gauge, layouts and steam locomotives verses diesel locomotives. He wants feedback and input from other model railroaders who want to share ideas. If you want to comment or offer some help to this fellow model train enthusiast, then simple click on the comments tag under this posting to have your say. Here is his question:

“I am a 59 yr old new model railroad enthusiast has built a 5′ x 12′ Table, Layed O-gauge track. Put in a 054 Curve Oval and a inner 026 Curve Oval with ability to switch from one track to the other. Then a 054 switch off the inner oval to a straight siding. Presently wiring the switches so they all work.

Bought a cheap Engine and Tender and find that everything so far runs smooth and level with minimum noise since this is in my basement.

Instead of using Homosaton top of the plywood can I just use cork strips under all the track??I am not against a wall so I have complete access to this table. I have been told to continue purchasing the items that will go into the layout, bldgs etc. this seems logical but it then could be a long time before I actually fasten the track down and put in the ballast.

I would think fastening the track and putting in the ballast then adding to the layout would be much more fun and keep the interest high.

Any thoughts or comments would be great! I have mixed feeling about Steam engines compared to Diesel engines, sort of like them both can these be mixed on a layout?”

One Response to O Gauge, Layouts and Locomotives – Your Thoughts

  • edhancock says:

    I too am new to the joys of model RR. I chose O scale because my fingers just won’t work around HO. F or the last 2 months I have been disasembling my layout inorder to change it. My origional layou was 7′ wide “L” shape. All of this is to say that I hope you can easily reach the 5′ layout you have. My recon is to make a “L” with the center removed (I guess I will need a draw bridge for me to get inside) – the new space for track is 24″ wide. Origionally I put down homosote down – this time am going to put down foam track liner. And as to securing the track – I agree it’s a good iddea to get comfortable with your layout before securing – I didn’t and couln’t easily change thing my inexperience produced.


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