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The ‘HubTown Loop’ N Scale Layout

Dave has sent in these photos and story for publication.

My layout is a modified version of a layout I found in a book called ‘N Scale Model Railroad That Grows’ by Kent Wood and Ric LaBan. I live in a bachelor apartment so my space for a layout is limited. The layout size (40″ x 60″) is ideal as I have a large kitchen and able to mount it on an old kitchen table I borrowed.

The layout comprise three loops. An outer loop, (main line) just inside the edges of the base, a second loop that rise approx. 2″ over 3′ crossing a viaduct & over a small pond, looping around a multi purpose farm and Industrial Park, returning to the main line by grade over one plate girder and three truss bridges, and one smaller loop at the opposite end which passes through a tunnel under the farm and through a small town. There are two passing tracks and a triple spur into the Industrial Park.

There is also a deadend spur which can be used to expand the layout onto another module if desired.

My rolling stock comprise of three diesel loco’s, about 20 various freight cars and a four car passenger set. The base of the layout is made of foam core as per instructions in the book, so it is very light and portable.

I’m only into DC at this time. There are 12 remote turnouts and 9 track blocks. In lieu of the slide switches which come with the turnouts, I built a set of probe points for each and have the block switches and probe points mounted on the roof of a building which I scratch built.

I have been a model builder from childhood, starting out building ‘EasyBuilt‘ balsa models and expanded into tall ship models and woodworking over the years. This is my first venture into model railroading.

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