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Double-Crossover Switch

Leo has a question for experienced readers and asks:

“I have kato track with a doublecrossover switch. I’m trying to run 2 trains in different directions. How would I wire this track up so the two trains would go in two different directions. Someone please help me solve this problem.”

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One Response to Double-Crossover Switch

  • Roy says:

    It is really quite easy. You connect the feeder track section in one track with the power connector at, say, the left hand end of the track section and the feeder track section in the other track with the power connector at the opposite end i.e. the right hand end of the track section. The trains will now run in opposite directions. However, if you want a train to cross from one track to the other at the double crossover switch you must put the controller for the receiving track in reverse with the same setting as the track on which the train is running. The train will then cross happiliy from one track to the other. If you do not do this, the train will stop at the double crossover switch and it will be impossible to move it. If you have a complicated layout, you may need to fit feeder track sections on each track on both sides of the double crossover switch. The power leads for each track should be connected together to ensure trouble free operation. I hope this helps.

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