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Train Stopping On 40 Feet Of Track

Mike asks for help with:

“I have a layout that is about 40 feet long, I have the power source hooked up in two locations. I have cleaned the track several times. My problem is that the train will run a few feet and stop, if I push it it will again run maybe half way around the track. I have checked the power in the track at the location the engine stops with a tester and it shows the same power as the transformer, but the train will not run. I also have cleaned the wheels on the engines.”

If you are an experienced Model Railroader and would like to share your experience, please help by answering Mike’s question.

One Response to Train Stopping On 40 Feet Of Track

  • Anonymous says:

    Check your pickups on your axles and/or the pins that rub inside on the wheel flanges, what happens is this, sometimes the engine derails usually on a switch and shorts out causing the spring tensions on these parts to fail or go intermittent causing the action you described. I had a Riverosie challenger 4-6-6-4 and fried the springs that held the pickups against the inside flange causing the same effect. Good Luck, Alan C Lompoc, Ca.

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