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N Scale Derailment on Bachmann EZ Track Switches

Quinn would like your advice if you can help him:

“I am trying to set up a small N scale layout using Bachmann ez track. However I find that the switches when fastened to a plywood deck cause the trains to derail when making the turn (both right and left). I have created HO and N scale layouts previously and have not run into this issue while in germany using Marklin track for N or Atlas trach for HO. I have noticed that the screw pivot on the throw looks large and bulky, and the the engines and cars seem to rise when traveling over the frogs. Can someone advise me please”

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4 Responses to N Scale Derailment on Bachmann EZ Track Switches

  • Anonymous says:

    I’ve never used EZ track on my layouts HO or N scale but when building my N scale layout I had the same problem with car and engine wheel flanges hi-riding the switch frog guide channels on some Atlas switches,and caused them to derail.I was able to solve the problem by using the edge of a small flat needle file to deepen the frog channels making sure not to remove any material from the frog point,stock rails,or guard rails.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’ve done both HO & N scale layouts.Ive never used EZ track but I have used Atlas switches for my N scale layout and had a problem with the wheel flanges on my rolling stock riding high on the switch frogs causing cars or engines to derail.I was able to solve the problem by using the edge of a small flat needle file blade to deepen the frog and guide rail channel

  • Sargewolf says:

    Also, get yourself wheel and track gauge. I found some of the wheels on my car trucks were a bit narrow.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’ve never used EZ track on my layouts HO or N scale but when building my N scale layout I had the same problem with car and engine wheel flanges hi-riding the switch also. I think this needs to be taken care of sooner rather than later

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