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Virginian Railroad el-2b Electric Locomotive

R.C.Belcher sent in this question for readers:

“I am 72 yrs old and I was raised within 50 yds. of the Virginian Railroad, formerly known as the Deepwater Railroad. I live about 2 miles outside of Princeton WV, still close to the railroad. I have been trying to find a EL-2B Virginian electric locomotive with the pantograph in ho scale.  The one I did find was over $1700.00, way out of my price range as I am retired and on a fixed income. I would be greatly appreciative of any help I can get. I am a greenhorn in this. I already have the N&W Powatan arrow still in the box.”

One Response to Virginian Railroad el-2b Electric Locomotive

  • guy martin says:

    Unfortunately the only close to ready to run locomotive model of the EL -2B is going to be very expensive, because it’s likely a brass import, and was produced on a very limited run. Manufactures have regrettably stayed away from electrics for many reasons for fans this means we pay or learn to scratch build quickly. You might find a brass one as a part of a estate or collection at a decent price one day but chances of finding it for less than 500,00 is slim in my opinion, and whenever you do find one, grab it no matter the condition, and nurse back to health. Such is our lot. Suggest you keep watching ebay, and other auction sites you never know if one may pop up for a good price and grab it quick.

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