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Roadbed and Bachmann Track

Warren seeks guidance for others in the hobby and asks:

“Does anyone make HO roadbed to fit Bachmann easy track? We have alot of eztrack which I want to use instead of purchasing new track. Is it necessary to use roadbed under the eztrack or can I elimanate this step. I did plan on using ballast just not sure about the roadbed. ”

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5 Responses to Roadbed and Bachmann Track

  • Barry Lynn Hostetler says:

    I was able to fit cork Roadbed with my train shelf in my living room. I doubled the cork roadbed with flex tracks and 22* at each corner of the 4 walls

  • Howard Lee says:

    If you put the easy track straight on plywood it will be noisy. Use cork and or foam board to reduce the noise.

  • Robin says:

    Its my understanding that the EZ Track style plastic base that the track is attached to is the road bed so yes you can eliminate buying cork or foam road bed, as for applying ballast be careful not to get it too thick between the rails

  • Tony says:

    I use closed cell neoprene rubber between (Peco) track and baseboard. This is available in a range of thiicknesses, 1.6mm or 3mm is fine. If you buy it from window suppliers they use it to mount frames into openings and one side already has an adhesive on it. I put this side onto the track because if you ballast straight away, the adhesive holds the ballast in place too.

  • ted says:

    With bachman ez track u don’t need road bed because the track is already elavated

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