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Bricks & Mortar for Structures

Russell has a question for readers and asks:

“I want to apply an application of mortar between structure bricks and am not sure of the correct process. I am hoping someone can advise me of the correct way to do it. Is there a way to add color to the bricks before I apply any mortar”

Callum has a related question, “Can somebody tell me the best way to scratch build a brick wall?”

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3 Responses to Bricks & Mortar for Structures

  • John Schaub says:

    Spray your model kit brick walls with satin surface paint. Depending on where your layout is located.
    Primer Red or Rusty Red Primer looks close to brick. Let it dry for at least 48 hours, Once its dried,
    lay out the walls on a flat surface. Using hobby paint specific for model building. Water base. There’s multiple colors to work with. Polly S made by Floquil is the best paint to use. It might be hard to find this paint as the company no longer produces it, A hobby retailer might have it in stock. Colors to look for are: aged concrete, depot buff or aged white. Take a small amount of the paint. add a small amount of water to the brick and mortar lines. The water will let the paint naturally run down the mortar lines. If you don’t like the results. Try it again and again. It looks realistic once you get the technique down. Let the paint dry before you hold up the wall vertically. Once dry, you can wipe off the paint off the bricks. The results can vary just as the prototype does. Good luck with
    the experiment.

    • Ron Scannell says:

      Put the water in a separate container/dish and add just a drop or two of dishwashing soap. The soap acts as a wetting agent and will make the paint flow into to mortar lines.

  • Les Green says:

    you can also try spraying/wiping the mortar color on the brick surface then wiping off the tops of the bricks with a wet sponge. but you have to act fast!

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