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Modifying Bachmann EZ Magnetic Couplings

Szilard who models in HO has this question for readers:

“Hi! I have a question regarding changing or modifying of Bachmann EZ magnetic couplings for a Märklin short coupling. I have recently bought a Bachmann rail crane and would like to use it in a yard mostly parked up, but occasionally move it. So just wondering if its possible or I can’t make it work?”



One Response to Modifying Bachmann EZ Magnetic Couplings

  • Newman Atkinson says:

    You should not have too much trouble changing the couplers I am not sure of how they are currently mounted on it but body mounted is a good way to properly mount them. You can adjust the coupler height by adjusting the wheel height with shims There have been several recently dow the list of questions and you can use some of the info from those to change the couplers, Newman Atkinson

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