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Using Shredded Cloth on Railroad Scenery

John sent in this request hoping a reader might be able to help:

“I was at the Amherst show several years back and there was a lady selling this scenery material. I believe it was made out of shredded cloth but I am not sure about that. All you had do was mix with water and apply.
It was nice material, if you wanted to re-work an area all you had to do was wet again and you could work it. I am hoping somebody is familiar with this product as I can not remember the name, I have tried searching the web for it but no luck.”

3 Responses to Using Shredded Cloth on Railroad Scenery

  • David Krause says:

    I believe the product name you are looking for is “plaster cloth” available in rolls of various widths and lengths from Wm K. Walthers, Inc.

  • Tom Rainbow says:

    It may be stuff called “ModRoc”, which is a posh version of the plaster-of-Paris bandages they use in fracture clinics in hospitals (which, by the way, works just as well as the posh stuff….)

  • Wayne Sweet says:

    The product you are looking for is True Scene Modeling Fusion Fiber. Google it. It is a great material.

    I have used this after I make plaster mountains. It covers up the cloth look of the plaster cloth.
    Plus you can mix water based paint in it before application.

    I also have used it on plain plywood to create a rough grass look. I made 4 different batches with 4 different green paint colors. It looked like a multicolored field when I finished. Then the circus moved in on top of the field. I suggest getting a large plastic bowl to mix the stuff. The bowl will be ruined for normal usage, but will work time and again for the fusion fiber.


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