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Members Heartbroken By Loss Of Their Life’s Work on Club Layout Destroyed By Senseless Vandalism

Bill Sowerby, exhibition manager of the Market Deeping Model Railway Club in the UK is seen here clutching one of the damaged structures.Vandels destroy model railroad layoutModel railway wrecked by vandals

Four teenage boys have been arrested, and bailed, following the vandalism at the Market Deeping Model Railway Club. Well-wishers and fellow model train enthusiasts have already donated over £80,000 in just two days. Sir Rod Stewart who said he “feels the club’s pain” donated £10,000. Fellow model train enthusiast Pete Waterman who also generously donated said members’ had “lost their life’s work” and that they would be “heartbroken” by damage.

Read the full story at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7052557/Police-arrest-four-teenage-boys-model-railway-wrecking-spree.html

4 Responses to Members Heartbroken By Loss Of Their Life’s Work on Club Layout Destroyed By Senseless Vandalism

  • leon says:

    What I saw was just disgusting and heart wrenching.
    There is no excuse no matter how weak for the brazen attack to the layouts at the club.
    what those 4 hoodlums did to destroy a life’s work of a beautiful model railroad and the members of the club that enjoy the hobby shows how little regard they have for other peoples possessions.

    I am sorry that I cannot donate to the fund to repair the damage that those four vandals created.
    The damage is done and cannot be undone in the minds of the club members and will forever be on the minds of the club members.

    Damage like this is senseless; and no amount of ditch digging penance or snow shoveling in the highlands is going to make up for it to the members of the club.

  • Louis Vandemerk says:

    They should make these 4 kids help rebuild
    All the damage they did.
    Have them there every minute of free
    Time they have, that should teach them
    A good lesson.
    Make them pay for the damages too.

  • Dr. Phool Singh Chauhan says:

    I read the news story in the given link. It is simply terrible. The pain can not be described in words. I can not imagine how the grand modelers are coping with the loss of work of their lifetime. I am good in electrical and electronics. I offer to give my services if needed at no cost for my time. I am far away in India as a retired person with not kind of money to donate or go and stay there on my own.

  • Frank says:

    Sorry to hear about the above. Though it’s probably already been decided by now, a good resolution in my opinion would be to have the boys rebuild what they have destroyed. Then you’d end up reproducing your team skills threefold. I got here because I wanted to know if you felt the following was a good starter kit for the boy who has everything but a train set.

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