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Should I use Code 75 or Code 100 Rails?

Should I use Code 75 or Code 100 Rails

Jacob from Ispwich in the UK wants to know:

“I am planning for OO gauge which I read is like HO overseas and want to know if I should go for code 100 or perhaps code 75 rails? Not sure?”

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5 Responses to Should I use Code 75 or Code 100 Rails?

  • David Stokes says:

    the answer to your question is “Yes”. Depending on what your aspirations are, either will do the job. If you have a lot of older locos and rolling stock then Code 100 might be better as the flangeways are a bit deeper. Also, if your layout is to be moved around a lot, or “played” with by younger folk Code 100 is sturdier.

    However, if you want to model in 00, you have modern DCC locos with sound and you want to compliment them with finer track, go right ahead.

    The lovers of Code 75 believe they have the edge in the realism stakes, but Code 100 done well is brilliant.

    This is one of those areas where personal preference rules the heart (and the wallet)

  • Charlszo says:

    Code 75 requires much better tracklaying skills. Code 100 is more tolerant of poorer tracklaying. So I say, it all depends on your tracklaying skills, as well as the age of the locos/ rolling stock!

  • Morgan F Bilbo says:

    If y’all are modelling US, then I suggest you look at the code 83. Your code 75,100 & bull rail are mostly UK. I use PECO code 83 here in the US and it’s great. Looks good. Code 100 is equivalent to proto code 150 and is not as common. As mentioned, code 75 requires special care. Code 83 is in between, in requiring care. I’m 80 yrs old and the code 83 is OK. The choice is yours, and I do agree with “yes”. So you make the decision, pay your money and work with it. I do not suggest mixing, but some do and it is possible. Hope this helps.

  • W Rusty Lane says:

    I would say that use of 100 code would be more for mainline trackage and that code 83 or 75 would work better for sidings and the like. I personally use code 100 because my layout is strictly DC and I’m running older DC only locos. If code 100 is done right it can look very good as mainline rail. On my next layout I’m planning on using code 100 for mainline operations and will use code 83 and 75 for sidings.

  • Ray says:

    Dont waste your time with either,use code 55 and go with ‘n’ scale.Its much more realistic than those old fashioned codes which make the rail look WAY too big for the track. And with ‘n’ you can have a real model railway without looking like a toy train set.

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