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Adhesives For Sticking Down Plastic Model People and Animals – The Dilemma

plastic model people ho scaleMax asks everyone:

“I’ve heard Elmer’s white glue is good for laying down the track with ballast. Problem is it takes some time to properly set hard if using it for other purposes. For gluing plastic model figurines in place it’s hopeless. They inevitably fall over. Does one of your members know of a hobby adhesive that will dry and set hard quickly and one that is useful for sticking plastic model figures to the ground?”

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11 Responses to Adhesives For Sticking Down Plastic Model People and Animals – The Dilemma

  • Richard E Aubel says:

    Woodland Scenics makes a glue for holding figures in place. It also allows you to move the figures and relocate them. The name of the product is Scenics Accents. You apply it like a white glue but before you put the figure in place, allow the glue to dry for 10 minutes or so. It forms a sticky layer on the bottom of the figure and will hold in place when put down. Here is more information – https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/A198

  • Kevin Ching says:

    Hi Max
    I use super glue for people and small things including car or truck tyres and it only takes a small drop the same when I glue sitting people in the coaches or engine drivers etc in cabs

  • Donald Ripper says:

    I use Blu-tac to hold things in place while glue dries, and also when soldering small items. maybe it would work for you… All the best.

  • Frank B says:

    Double sided sticky tape – which will also allow you to remove or re-position them.

  • Henry van Wyk says:

    You can also use some clear silicone, which gives a little movement if the figure is bumped accidently

  • Don Cheeks says:

    I use Tacky Glue. My wife uses it for sewing but I swiped it for my Layout. Its like white glue but tacky so things stay better. Yes I sometimes need to set things against the people to make them stand long enough for the glue to set, ( I also do firearm reloading so I use two 357 lead bullets, one on each side till they set). The neat thing about tacky glue is you can move people around. Yes it sometimes pulls the paint off the shoes but that’s an easy fix. As for track, once an area is built and pounding nails would cause havoc I use regular Elmer’s white glue to set ballast and even relay track. Yes it takes a while to set but I don’t mind. As for me I want to slow down my activity……I mean wo wants to be DONE? Not me.

  • phil johnson says:

    I like Testors canopy glue. I’ve had Woodland Scenics fail

  • Kevin Andrews says:

    Hi, I use UHU glue work’s a treat, it’s quick and only takes a couple of minutes to dry.

  • Steve says:

    Hi Glue the people on to a small piece of clear plastic with supper glue. this way they stand up and you can move them around

  • Hervey says:

    A little dab of Woodland Scenics Hob-e-Tac applied to the bottom. Leave it to dry/ turn clear then stick your people where you want them. The nice part is you can move them a number of times without the adhesive loosing its tackiness.

  • W Rusty Lane says:

    I agree with Don Cheeks–use some tacky glue as it is tacky and allows you to position the people where you want them. I’m also a reloader and oft times I will use a piece of lead (usually .30-06) to help steady the little people until the tacky glue sets. You can get tacky glue at the Dollar Tree store for $1.00–and you can’t beat that price. If the .30-06 won’t work I’ll use a 255 grain .45 Colt piece of lead to prop up the little people. I’ve even seen people use a car tire lead weight to prop up the little people (I’m talking HO scale here) until the tacky glue sets. Otherwise, you can use some super glue (gel) as the gel is a little thicker and sets up in about the same time as regular super glue (also known as CA glue).

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