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Who Makes The Best Brand Of HO Diesel Locomotives?

Howard posted this:

“I am finally changing to DCC a big change, and want to buy a couple of new diesel sound mainline engines but not sure which manufacturer to go with. My layout is US 70s/80s and I’m open-minded on the livery. I was wondering who is the best manufacturer of these engines, and why you like them? I have done a quick search of these online but haven’t settled on anything yet – Proto2000, Atlas, Bachmann, Athern, Kato, and Mantua.”

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4 Responses to Who Makes The Best Brand Of HO Diesel Locomotives?

  • Morgan Bilbo says:

    The best are: Proto2000, Atlas, Kato. Next is Athearn. Bachmann is great, but cheap. And that makes it a first choice for me. No Mantua, too old mfgr. This is Just My Opinion. Take it or leave it. LOL

  • Hervey says:

    Today there are some very good locos out there. I will give you my list which is only my opinion. One of the better ones out there today is Rapido. They make things that others don’t or they do it with a greater adherence to prototypical locos and the peculiarities of each livery.
    Proto 2000, Kato, Athearn and Atlas are all good. The other I would put in this group is Broadway Limited. Broadway Limited has a limited selection of Diesel locos but their locos are very good.
    If you are not too worried about emulating a prototypical railroad then Bachmann has pretty good locos. I wouldn’t go near Mantua.
    This list assumes you are buying new today. The older Athearn locos require a lot of work too make then DCC friendly and functional. Atlas have been good runners for a long time but the older ones are less prototypical looking.

  • phil johnson says:

    LOL Each company has their faults, depends on who you talk to. However, I like Athearn, Atlas, LifeLike/Walthers P2K, Broadway Limited. Personally, I avoid MTH and Bachmann. Both from past experiences. Scale Trains is a new company that I would also look at. Have fun.

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