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Noch 60873 Modellwasser Artificial Water Problem

Rob writes:

“I’ve used the Noch Model Water product and after 3 days, it has dried cloudy as opposed to clear. I applied it in one pour, to a depth up to about 3mm and left it outside under an awning (with no direct sunlight, wind or rain). Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong? Can anyone tell me how to fix it (other than to rip it out and try again)? Thanks in advance.”

4 Responses to Noch 60873 Modellwasser Artificial Water Problem

  • Ralph says:

    I think it will clear up in a couple of weeks.

  • Bob Matteson says:

    Sounds like it probably trapped moisture, was the humidity high when you poured it? In some case of certain paints and coatings this is called “blush”. One way to prevent this is not to do it in a damp area such as a basement and let it set up slowly. Ralph maybe correct about letting it sit, it just may clear up.

    • Rob Posener says:

      I suspect you are correct. It’s going away VERY slowly but it is still there after a month. Most of it I’m able to hide by placing rocks over it in the stream. However by doing this I’m loosing most of the “water effects” which is what I was after in the first place!

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