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HON3 | Bending Cork Roadbed | N Minitrix

Parker has 3 questions to test everyone’s knowledge:

1. What size is HON3?
2. Is there a trick to bending the cork roadbed around a curve?
3. Is N minitrix a smaller size than N?

You can add your answers below.

2 Responses to HON3 | Bending Cork Roadbed | N Minitrix

  • Anonymous says:

    Laying cork roadbed. Use the same method with either HO or N roadbed. First draw the center line of your curve. The cork roadbed should be able to be split in two pieces.Take one piece with the beveled edge to the outside of the curve and glue it to the center line either using white glue or white caulking. I use white glue. I use plastic map pins to hold the roadbed in place until the glue is dry . Take the other piece of roadbed and with the beveled side to the inside of the curve do the samething only stagger the end joints so that both ends of the roadbed are offset by a few inches.
    This will give you a roadbed that is beveled on both sides of the center line.After you have your roadbed down and dry use a hand held sander and sand the roadbed to eliminate any imperfections before laying the track.

  • Anonymous says:

    N can be defined as
    – 1:148 (UK N-gauge)
    – 1:150 (Japanese N scale)
    – 1:160 (European/American N scale)

    All of the above use the same 9 mm gauged rail.

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