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Baseboard Construction In Loft

John has a question for readers on baseboard construction. He is planning to build his layout in the loft so will need to be fully aware of the load capacity of the loft. Safety always needs to be the number one priority when building layouts in an attic or loft space. John asks:

“I am just starting to build layout in my loft. What is your advice on baseboard material, chipboard, plywood, mdf, fiberboard, or something else.”

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One Response to Baseboard Construction In Loft

  • Ben says:

    I personally would recommend a foam baseboard over wood based materials. I use it for my layout (in the garage mind you) and the main advantage is that it is light, easy to move (if you do it modular as I have)and pretty sturdy. The added extra of foam is that it is easier to construct terrain without having to lug power tools up there, all you need are some blades and even an electric foam cutter to save the mess. Just my 2cents from a practical sense of mind

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