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Loco Wheels Spinning
Richard has this question for readers:
“Hello, I have a Marx 999 and when applying power to the engine only the wheels spin and it doesn’t move. Is there an adjustment on the copper shoe? I can push the shoe and it springs back fine. When I give it a push it moves a little but stops and the wheels continue to spin? Thank you in advance.”
5 Responses to Loco Wheels Spinning
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Let me get this straight. When you apply power, the wheels spin but the loco doesn’t move. If all the wheels are spinning under power, I would look at the undercarriage of the loco and any attached cars, including the tender if there is one. There might be something dragging and getting caught in the ties (sleepers). Also, check the front and real pilot wheels to make sure they rotate freely.
In addition to what Dale says check that the centre pickup isn’t bent and springs freely. Maybe these you tube videos can help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLZOfYI8EFI and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5557YJNu0bY
I know this might sound redundant but have you cleaned the track lately?? I know that when my track gets dirty the engines won’t climb even a slight grade.
If the loco is pulling a train of cars that makes up too much weight, the wheels will just spin.
Does the loco move OK when nothing is attached ?
Otherwise, there may be something catching on the track, is anything hanging down underneath ?
Please let us know what happens !
I have an old pre war Marx, and one wheel Became loose. It was off just enough to keep it from fitting on the rails. If you use super glue, it might fix the grab, but eliminate the electrical pick up. I was told there is an epoxy that conducts electricity. I don’t know the name.