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Model Train Video Feedback

My series of 42 model train videos has proved more popular than I expected and the feedback has been encouraging. I’m glad everyone has enjoyed watching them despite the fact that I am not very expert with a camera. I think most people understand I’ve concentrated more on content than a flashy presentation. I appreciate the support and encouragement. Here is a sample of the feedback:

“Not only have I enjoyed watching the videos, I find it so much easier watching scenes of what to do. Well done Robert!” B Peterson, Illinois, USA
“Robert, I just wanted to say thank you. I’ve learned more in a month from your railway videos than I did reading several books. They’ve been well worth the investment.”P Hughes, UK
“It’s good getting sent a new train video (or two) every week. I wait with anticipation and then watch each video over and over again. I’ve gained lots of ideas and I’m going to recommend your video series to lots of people.”Paul H, WA, Australia
“You said the RR videos were not Hollywood quality – who cares? They’re great entertainment and helpful too!” H Moore, Houston, Texas, USA
“Hey Robert! The videos are real good. Big help. Thanx!”Marcus C, NZ
“I like the fact they’re amateur videos and not some flashy studio production. They’re even better than I imagined…real people who know what they’re talking about. These videos are well worth getting!” S Mitchell, Canada
“I’m really enjoying watching your model railroading videos. Thanks so much. I’ll be recommending them to club members”Arnie H, California, USA
“My wife said I was crazy buying your videos but she’s enjoyed watching them too. She’s happy, because she knows they will keep me out of mischief!”B Alexander, USA
“That guy James in the videos sure knows his stuff. Even I’m impressed!”George S, SA
“I’ve saved each video to my computer so I can watch them whenever I want a break from doing chores around the house. Thanks.”M Kennedy, USA
“I made my first baseboard after watching the video tutorial. You made it so easy to understand.”K Johnson, UK
“Thank you for making the videos as they are a pleasure to watch each week. I also appreciate the fact that I can see other peoples layouts in other countries on video as I am not well enough to travel. You deserve to be congratulated.”Pierre C, Canada
“I just wanted to say thank-you for the videos you send me each week. They have really come in handy over the last couple of weeks. I’ve been building my layout for almost a year and a half (I wish I had these videos and your book sooner!!). Thanks again, I’m going to recommend your videos to lots of people!”Bill T, Australia
“Your e-book is the best out there, and I would like to recommend it, and your videos I get every week to anyone that has any interest in this hobby.”Wayne S, UK
“…your video lessons are excellent! They are just what I have been searching for, for a long time now – really good!”Marty H, USA
“After receiving access to the weekly video downloads, I can say with confidence that these are the best. I liked James’s idea of a register of locos with DCC settings. He gives some great ideas in the videos.”Kerry W
“I’m up to week 12 in your videos and am enjoying them. I’ve watched the 3 video of the Wanganui train show about four times. They’re wonderful to watch.”Matt G, USA
“I have been involved in model railways for a little over 14 years. I would like to say that, not only have I learned a lot from your videos, but I have enjoyed watching them over and over again. I highly recommend your videos to other railway modelers.”Lance D, UK

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