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G Scale Track Layouts

Frank wants to hear from those of you into garden railroading and asks:

“I would like to have some information on G scale track layouts, construction materials for outdoors including bridges, track bedding, wireless DCC controls and the basic construction of outdoor G scale construction materials. Can anyone help me please?”

Frank, you will be fascinated by the 3 Garden Railroad videos in my 42 train videos series.

In the videos experienced garden railroader Colin takes you on a tour of his 650-foot garden railway 18 months into construction. He explains the A, B and C of the design and planning process and reveals 17 important questions about building your own garden railway. He gives some valuable tips and shows you how to avoid problems you may not have thought of.

Colin then continues his garden railway tour explaining how and why he built the elevated track sections. He reveals the two ‘must-have’ features of any garden railway and discusses the effects of climate, lighting and the different train control systems. Colin then demonstrates an electrically operated Baldwin Steam Locomotive and gives some tips on ‘points’ and structure building.

Colin then explains his dug-out steaming bay and power control panel. He gives you a close look underneath the Union Pacific RS3 locomotive and how it operates.

One Response to G Scale Track Layouts

  • Anonymous says:

    I recently watched a DVD my wife gave me for Christmas,entitled “Garden Railroad Spectacular”. This is available from Trains of North America at http://www.topics-ent.com. It is disc # 9 in the series. While it is very entertaining, it does not offer any plans, just lots of ideas, as this gauge layout is mostly developed from your own imagination.

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