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Trolley Crossing And Message On Hand Held Control

Here are two questions from readers for those of you into O model railroading. Can you help either Lynne or Eugene? Click the green comments link under this posting to add your feedback.

Lynne wants your thoughts on a Trolley Crossing and asks:

“Is there a way to run a stop’n go trolley with a 90 degree crossing without colliding with a train on the main track? I have a 12″ x 6″ layout and want to run the trolley past the main line to an outlying town. The tallest car on the train is about 7 inch and the trolley will not climb much of a grade, so a crossover would not work. The tolley would also require too much of a grade for the train to crossover. Any suggestions from anyone out there please? Thanks, Lynne”

Eugene has wants to know the meaning of the m in his hand held control:

“I have the mth system and on my hand held. I have a (m) in the window. Can someone tell me what does it mean and what should it be?”

One Response to Trolley Crossing And Message On Hand Held Control

  • Anonymous says:

    i have always loved modal trains but finlly getting to start my own but going big. not big train big table. should i use plywood or sheetrock for ground base. and being its 20by20 with4foot table all the way around how do i do my power thank u [email protected]

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