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Number of Bus Lines On Model RR Layout

Jim wants to hear from others about main track bus lines. If you can help Jim use the green comments link below:

“I have 2 tracks running parallel. Does anyone know, do I need separate main track bus lines for each track, or can I use one set of track bus lines and attach track feeders from each track to it?
Also what about a rail yard with 6 tracks do I need separate main track bus lines? Can someone help me please?”

Please note – this is a free service and relies on readers not only contributing questions, but also contributing answers. To continue this free service we need input from experienced model railroaders. Don’t keep all your knowledge to yourself. There are lots of beginners out there who would benefit greatly from your input. Please share with others in the hobby.

One Response to Number of Bus Lines On Model RR Layout

  • Ken says:

    If you are using DC control, I would suggest separate bus lines for each track. You will want to control track power with switches. If you are using Digital Command Control (DCC) you can use one set of bus lines for all tracks. The same would apply to your yard.

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