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O Gauge Lionel 3 Rail Insulating Or Seperate Systems

J.C. would like to hear from those into O Gauge Lionel railroading:

“My pike has two large circles (ovals). The possibilties of two standard trains operating seperatly could be possible if insulating the circles can be done at the switches (connecting the ovals in and out).

I am using fast-trac w/switches.

Question. Can this be done using two transformers (model cw80) I found it to short out when crossing over any seperate insulated section causing the engine to reverse or go to nuetral.

My pike is using over 80 feet of track with 19 switches. I am satisfied it works, so why fix it?

It would be enjoyed a bit more if seperated. I have an old model v 150 volt trainmaster transformer with 4 seperate controls but i cnnnot get the whistle or bell to sound when using it.

Question – What must I do or is necessary to do, to use the more powerful transformer. Lionel railroading is again fun I have been in and out since 1930. Great fun.”

If you can help J.C. please speak out and don’t keep your knowledge to yourself.

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