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Terminal Loop Switch G Scale Layout

Tom wants to hear from you if you have a G scale layout and have any tips to help solve a problem he is having:

“I have a g scale track that circles 2 rooms and passes through a central room. It is a dog bone configuration with the 2 loops returning on a common track. In each of the rooms with the loops I have #10151 LGB terminal loop set. The train went into the first room came to the 2nd terminal loop switch and stopped. Now when the transformer is turned on it goes immediately to overload. What am I doing wrong?? Thank you in advance to other blog members.”

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2 Responses to Terminal Loop Switch G Scale Layout

  • Anonymous says:

    Sounds to me that the loop switch at the end opposite of the trains location is causing a short when the switch at the trains location is switched to allow the train to pass.
    try resetting the switch after the train passes it.
    this should keep them from shorting when the switch at the trains location is thrown.
    also it is possible that the polarity of the loop is wrong preventing the train from proceeding.

  • Anonymous says:

    I have the same set up and when I was wiring it up, I bought 2 reverse loop modules. these are basically relays, that when the sense a short(which is caused when the wheels of the loco cross over the insulated section of track)switch the polarity of the track. I discovered after a lot of trial and error and head scratching that I only needed one. I have one relay powering both reverse loops and it works like charm. If you try to connect two relays in the same circuit they will always see each other and keep trying to reverse the polarity continuously, causing a short. Hope this helps.

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