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Where Is Everyone?

I know from answers to previous questions we get hundreds of very experienced model railroaders reading this blog, but I think they must all be asleep. Several question have been posted by fellow railroaders that need answering, but no one seems to want to help others at the moment. I know things are a bit gloomy financially, but it is all the more reason why we should all lend a helping hand to others and try and stay cheerful.

The point is; if this hobby is to move forward we must all help each other… the newbies in the hobby are the ones who especially need help and encouragement.

I have said it before and I will say it again – I get dozens of emails from beginners in the hobby who feel excluded. One guy told me “model railroading is like a secret society” with many in the hobby not wanting to share their knowledge. Although I don’t entirely agree, I have seen some evidence of this attitude, and I must say it saddens me.

PLEASE- If you have can help others, or offer feedback, please add your comments using the green comments link below each posting on this blog. That’s all anyone expects.

This blog gets thousands of readers and I run it free of charge in the hope that as many model railroaders as possible contribute. The problem is that we get lots of questions from people who genuinely need help, but not enough other model railroaders are prepared offer feedback, comments or answers.

So, please help out if you can and prove that model railroaders are a helpful cooperative bunch of enthusiasts who welcome and encourage new people into the hobby.

Enough said!

One Response to Where Is Everyone?

  • Alan says:

    I have found comments that I got in response to a query, that I sent you last year, were very helpful. Since then I have invested in six British steam locos, 0 gauge, and associated passenger express stock, and have last week completed my “big shelf” around a disused studio. I have set out the track and must now consult your book for relevent guidance before embarking on some operational enhancements. No doubt I shall be seeking further help so please keep up the great work. Alan

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