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Wiring HO Layouts

HO Layout Wire Gauge Size

Jim needs help from readers in wiring his HO layout and asks:

“I need help with my HO layout. Can someone tell me what size/gauge of wire do I need to use in wiring my HO layout?”

Wiring HO Turnout Switches

Al needs your help with wiring turnout switches and asks readers:

“I am trying to wire my turnout switches and can only get three to work. I have the control buttons for the switches in one line attached to each other. I can not get them to work. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?”

To help one or both of these keen model railroaders please use the green Comments & Feedback link below this posting.


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The important thing is this; if the person answering the question doesn’t clearly understand your problem, or know what you are trying to achieve, it is likely the answer will be incomplete or even inaccurate.

The very kind people who share their time answering questions (and giving feedback) are genuinely trying to help, but sometimes it is very hard to offer any suggestions due to a lack of clear information in the original question.

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3 Responses to Wiring HO Layouts

  • Herb Sr says:

    Jim,size of wire for DCC layout, 14 gauge will work as power bus, power feeders to track, telephone wire works fine. For DC layout regular telephone wire also works from transformer to track, I have large DCC layout that works great with 14 gauge . Al, soundslike the Atlas switch control buttons, they attached togather, each one sending out 3 wires to Atlas switch motor.I have in the past set some up in a row as you have, I mostly found the control buttons to be bad when they would not throw, or the switch motor had been smoked, this shows by the plastic on the switch motor melting or swelling up. Holding the switch control button in place to long will burn out the switch machine. Mostly the switch control buttons were bad as i delt with it…..I am sure your wiring is correct, but that may be a problem. Best answer I can give, your info needed to be better. Good luck.

  • Larry Johnson says:

    Hey guys and gals I am new at this model train layout stuff ,and as such I need help on a problem I am having. The problem is so far all of my locos are jumping the track on the curves. Am I cutting the curves to sharp or are the too flat should I lenghten them or bank the slightly ? HELP

  • nicky says:

    can i use turnouts on a dc layouts

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