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Frame Repair

David wants help for anyone with experience of repairing loco frames and asks:

“I have a lionel 262e with a broken frame. I want to try repairing it with epoxy and wonder which epoxy would be the best. Has anyone had success repairing frames?”

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One Response to Frame Repair

  • Tony P says:

    Hi David, Not knowing what your frame is made of there are a lot of epoxies out there that can and should fill your needs. The first thing to do is to clean it real good from any oils or grease or your finger oils. If your frame is cracked and or separated I like to go back to my old welding days. First file 1 or 2 small groves in the metal across the crack and clean it real good. Fix the crack with a drop of crazy glue or the like and clamp it together and let it dry. Then get an epoxy, I have found many different kinds in my local home depot especially in the plumbers aile that hardens and adhears to almost any thing, metals plastics pvc, etc, of course mix it according to the directions and spread it into the groves you made and a light cover over the entire area as thick as your finished product will allow the body to fit back over the repaired frame. Unfortunately depending on how bad the frame is broken some of the time these repairs dont last forever but it will keep it together for a time and if nothing else for display. Tony P

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