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Semaphore Signals

Ralph has a second question this one relating to semaphore signals:

“I see only a very few semaphore signals on the market and those are about $25 dollars or so each. I guess this high price is due to the brass construction. For now I’d take non-working signals as temporary scenic displays. These were such an integrable part of the steam to diesel transition era operation there must be some out there somewhere. Does anyone know where Thank you for your time and attention to my questions.”

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3 Responses to Semaphore Signals

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Ralph, Ebay has a lot of these kind of products. I think if you look at Plaza Japan??? and “we honest???” on ebay they have come up with some very hard or odd to get items. Tony P

  • Keith says:

    hi Ralph, Like Tony P said you can get them off of ebay but not knowing what country you are modelling you should try going to model train shows. Here in Canada we don’t have many, but I model british steam era and I manage to find lots of old semaphores.

  • kmorrison says:

    Hi Ralph

    There is a company in the UK called Modelelec who supply the ratio signals,these signals are operational and can be made to operate by using the electronics described in the link attached. I hope this is of use. The signals are plastic but well made.
    Keith M
    Link: http://modelrailwayelectronics.com/

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