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About N Scale Layouts, Scales, and Gauges

Mike Williams contributes…

In the beginning these three phrases probably confused you to no end. You had no idea what an N scale layout was, nor did you have any idea what the term ‘gauge’ meant. Now that your beginning stages are over, you have to decide what type of layout you actually want, as well as what types of locomotives. N scale is ideal for most collectors and modelers, especially if you have only limited space available, and are someone that enjoys vast scenery and intricate detail.

N Gauge trains have been quite popular for a very long time. One of of the earliest companies to adopt the N scale was Walther, a company founded at the beginning stages of the great depression. While many people at the time preferred the HO scale, they quickly recognized the usefulness of the N scale when they realized that it could operate in confined spaces and harbor much more detail.

The type of train that you ultimately choose is up to you. As I’ve said before, the N scale train is a great choice and you will enjoy many hours of fun with it. The hardest part will be setting up the track. There are a few different types of track, from bridge track, to standard track. You also have flexible track and standard track. What you choose will depend highly on your layout and your level of experience. If you are unsure, then make sure you consult with an expert at your local hobby shop. Ask them what they have in the way of N scale trains and accessories.

Mike is a keen model railroader and enjoys his n scale model trains.

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