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Easements On Model Railroad

Stan has a question to test readers knowledge:

“When laying track curves what is meant by easements?”

I’m sure many of you will know the answer to that question, but you are welcome to add your comments and feedback below.

2 Responses to Easements On Model Railroad

  • Anonymous says:

    You can find some answers here.

  • Geof says:


    All that is meant by easements is that you’d be making a gradual turn into any given radius curve so that you aren’t going immediately from a straight section into the curve. For example, if the radius of a curve is say 18″ (in HO scale), you could have an easement of 22″ or 24 ” radius between the end of the straight section and the actual 18″ radius curved section. This allows the train to gradually ‘ease’ into the curve so it makes a smoother transition from straight curve. Theoretically, one could run a train at faster speeds into an eased curve as opposed to one that isn’t.

    This also looks much more realistic but if you are using a track plan that is using sectional track, adding easement sections will change the configuration unless the track plan originally calls for them. If you are adding easements on your own, you’ll have to make changes down the line because the track won’t line up as designed in the plan.

    Hope this helps,

    Geof from the US

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