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There was a great response to last weeks poll which asked:   Do You Operate DC Or DCC?

In all 841 model railroaders had their say with the majority (53%) of railroaders saying they operate DCC. Another 20% hoped to convert.

Although I’m not a professional pollster, I did notice one thing of significance.

Throughout the polling the percent results remained constant, indictating (to me) that the results were very accurate and hardly changed as more and more people voted. Here are the survey results:

>> DCC – I have always operated DCC (14%, 120 Votes)
>> DCC – I converted from DC to DCC (39%, 326 Votes)
>> DC – I hope to convert to DCC at some stage (20%, 169 Votes)
>> DC – I will be sticking with DC (19%, 162 Votes)
>> I don’t have a layout yet (8%, 64 Votes)

Click here for more DCC info

2 Responses to POLL RESULTS: Do You Operate DC Or DCC?

  • Richard Turner says:

    It would be very interesting to know the ages of the respodents. I have recently been asked to leave my local club by the other members who are all diehard DC. Their ages range from 40s through to 80s

    As you will gather, I and a small group of other members have built and run the club’s only exhibition layout, all DCC. Our ages run from 30s -70s.

    All DCC members were asked to leave the club.

    Richard Turner
    Chairman: Turner’s Folly MRG
    (our new club)

    • Glen Wasson says:

      Richard, DC vs DCC is probably the MOST contentious subject in the hobby today. Long time model railroaders usually have a lot of time and money invested in what they/we have. I have found that DCC people tend to want to run that system just as strongly as DC people want theirs run.

      At any one time, it has to be either/or. Actually, diehard DCC people can run in DC mode on a DC layout, while DC people can’t ever run on a DCC layout. DCC may be easier in many ways, but for some of us “Ole timers”, if it so easy, why are there so many questions asked, and articles and books published on the subject? REAL railroads have dispatchers. Where is the dispatcher in DCC?

      I believe the two systems are really two different philosophies of life. If you are courteous and polite to each other you may be able to co-exist. If one side pushes the issue, they will have to part. By the way, our own club has a simple switch marked DC & DCC, to run either way. So far it works.

      Glen Wasson aka Armchair

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