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What Do You Mean By Layout Ground Cover?

woodland scenics ground coverThe layout ground cover is basically the ‘vegetation’ or landscape that covers the outer surface of your model train layout and is intended to hide the plaster, wires and form that coat your terrain. Layout Ground Cover is a very important part of your scenery and is vital to bring out the realism in the whole project.

The layout ground cover is divided into – low, medium and high. The low area incorporates the coloring of the surface with small elements like grass, and other plants. Medium includes taller plants like weeds, medium sized vines and bushes. High on the other hand includes tall grasses, larger bushes and shrubs.

A great tip in creating layout ground cover is to use a variety of textures and shades to bring a much more realistic outlook than the use of a single shade of color. The realism of the layout ground cover totally depends upon the imagination of the modeler.

One Response to What Do You Mean By Layout Ground Cover?

  • Newman Atkinson says:

    All the Commercial ground covers are nice and can add up in cost real quick. Add some kinds that are free. May be a little work but will enhance the layout at little or no costs. Such items you Spouse always wants you to rake called leaves. I use ground up leaves in an old blender and depending on what you are covering you can make mulch for your flower gardens, or dirt for your earth coverings. You have to rake them you might as well use them. In the blender mix leaves with water an d grind up. It looks like muck but after it drys for a week sift it out and get the texture you want. I use the course mulch for my model of a garden railway. or the flower beds of the city park. if you want dirt, just blend it some more dry to the texture you want. Now add the commercial colored textures to what you want above that. Newman Atkinson

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