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A/C Power to Layout for MTH and Lionel

Mike asks readers a A/C O-gauge 3-rail question:

“I have many MTH and old Lionel plus Super Streets. How do I wire the 2 electrical system layout? I know that Lionel doesn’t work on 18 Volt tracks, but can I cross-over the 2 tracks?”

One Response to A/C Power to Layout for MTH and Lionel

  • Matt Jackson says:


    Super Streets are operated on AC, so you don’t have a problem there. Where you may have issues is if the Super Streets crossing has a center-rail connection to the train tracks it crosses. If it does, the higher voltage will leak onto the lower-voltage track.

    The way to work around this is to make sure that the crossing’s “diamond” only has a center rail for the Super Streets side (Super Streets vehicles have short pickup spacing and might stall). The trains should be able to clear the gap without incident. Make sure that the power supplied to the Super Streets is properly phased with the power going to the Trains.

    You made reference to 18 volts, so I’m presuming that either the train or the Super Streets is running under command control at least sometimes.

    Hope this helps some.

    Matt Jackson
    Angels Gate Hi-Railers Model Railroad Club

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